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Re: Is making your own content mangement system a good idea?

Posted by mootmail-googlegroups on 09/25/06 12:12

Gordon Burditt wrote:
> >> Another thing to ask yourself is - if you use a pre-written CMS will
> >> you be breaching the author's license if you use it for whatever
> >> purpose you want it for?
> >
> >What do you mean?
> If the license says the CMS may not be used to maintain an e-commerce
> site, and you intend using it for an e-commerce site, that's a problem.
> If the license says that the users of their CMS may not send or have
> ever sent unsolicited commercial email and you have, that's a problem.
> If the license says that you may not modify it, and it puts ads for
> the author's web site on every page, and you consider that objectionable,
> that's a problem.

After you've confirmed that you won't clash with the license, then I
have to ask: why reinvent the wheel?

There are plenty of choices out there and unless you need a highly
specialized and customized solution, (and this isn't just meant to be a
learning experience), then just find whatever is closest to what you
want and use that. Tons of people have been working a lot longer and a
lot harder on CMS's than you, and anything you make from scratch will
be a long way off for a long time from anything currently available.

If you don't find anything that exactly suits your needs, then look for
something which is open-source and will allow you to modify the source.
If you can find a CMS that is mostly there, and only have to add one
or two 'modules' of your own design, then it will still take a lot less
time than building the whole thing from the ground up.



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