Posted by Ron Barnett on 09/26/06 12:52
"g0c" <REMOVEg0c@msn.com> wrote in message
> "Ron Barnett" <ron@RJBarnett.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:4518fd8d.0@entanet...
>> "g0c" <REMOVEg0c@msn.com> wrote in message
>> news:ef8asq$s4e$1@fegnews.vip.hr...
>>> hi,
>>> how to hide or replace email addresses in php mail function
>>> with something like "group" so the email addresses to which email
>>> is sent are not visible ?
>>> i have :
>>> $subs = "email1@dot.com, emai2@dot.com, email3@dot.com"
>>> $header .= "To : email@notset.com\r\n";
>>> $header .= "Cc :\r\n";
>>> $header .= "Bcc : $subs\r\n";
>>> $header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
>>> $header .= "Return-Path: email@notset.com\r\n";
>>> $header .= "X-Sender: email@notset.com\r\n";
>>> $header .= "From: email@notset.com>\r\n";
>>> $header .= "Reply-To: email@notset.com";
>>> $mailsend = mail($subs, $subject, $msg, $header);
>>> and when i get email all addresses are shown in header To: field ...
>>> hmm,
>>> can i use Bcc: maybe ?
>>> thanks, and please help a newbie :-)
>>> regards,
>>> goc
>>> PS: real email address are changed of course
>> Hi gcc,
>> You are on the right lines, Bcc is the thing to use and it does go in the
>> header but if you look carefully at your code, yow will see you have also
>> included the body of the bcc list ($subs), as the first parameter of
>> mail() this is the To parameter and is always made visible in the mail
>> message.
>> remove the To: line from your header construction and put it as the first
>> parameter to Mail() and you should be OK
>> I do hope you aren't writing a spamming program !
>> Cheers
>> Ron
>> for PHP classes try http://ronbarnett.users.phpclasses.org/
> LOL, no ... i'm not, just trying to make a small mailing list where users
> can add themself ...
> Q: you said "remove the To: line from your header construction and put it
> as the first
> parameter to Mail()"
> ok, i removed To: from header but i don't quite understand what to put
> as first parameter to mail ? can i put something like "my subscribers" ?
> or leave empty ?
> anyways ... thank you very much.
> peace,
> goc
I normally put my own mail address as the To address, so I send the mail to
myself, BCC to the list then I know that the server has sent the list and
the recipients can reply if necessary. You can add a dummy address as the
'to' as you suggest if you wish to.
You can use the style 'Fred Bloggsfreddyboy@whatever.com' to have a
'friendly name appear as well as the actual email address. this is only
useful in the to, from and possibly CC lists.
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