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Re: Unkowingly Took PHP Job with undgodly PHP Gurus ...

Posted by mootmail-googlegroups on 09/26/06 16:20 wrote:
> Need a good tutorial on Classes, OOP, Template systems, etc, because
> absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing looks familiar to my
> procedural based programming that has served me for years. Should I
> even bother learning this stuff or just continue writing as I
> normally do and have them inplement it into their system? Plus of
> course they are all Linux Gods and I use Windows That doesn't help
> either. Any really good tutorial out there that could get me up to
> speed quick?

You should most definitely NOT just keep on going with what you know
and expect the other programmers to deal with it. If you are in a team
environment, then you (being the new member) need to mold your coding
style/practices to be compatible with theirs, not the other way around.
It is very important to follow the company (either formal or defacto)
standard so that it doesn't become a case of 'my code' vs. 'his code',
but instead, 'our code', which anyone can pick up and make
modifications to.

As for tutorials, are we talking general OOP tutorials, or
PHP-specific? If PHP-specific, the PHP manual ( is probably
the most definitive resource you're going to find with plenty of
examples and user-comments to fill in anything missing from the
documentation. If general, well, then still look at the PHP manual,
because it has some introductory OOP material. After that, you may as
well see what Wikipedia has on the subject. There's bound to be some
helpful info there and you may find reference links to other articles.

You don't say what templating system they use. If it is home-grown,
then you should ask to see the documentation (they did write some,
didn't they?) to get you up to speed. Otherwise, go to the website
where the system lives and see if they have any documentation.

And above all, if you don't know something, ASK! In my experience,
programmers are always more than willing to share their
knowledge/experience when asked. Of course they aren't going to hold
your hand and teach you everything, but they should give you enough
basic information for you to go and further research the actual answer
yourself. If you get stuck on something, or don't understand, then it
is far better to ask and get some help than to do it wrong and be
thought of as incompetent.

Additionally, to put it bluntly, they hired you to do this job either
because A) they didn't ask the right questions in the interview, B) you
fudged your skills in the interview a little too far, or C) they know
that it will take some time to get you up to speed and are confident
that you can do it. If it were me, I'd prefer to think it was C.



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