Posted by IchBin on 10/22/51 11:59
newsleecher@spam.com wrote:
> Does anyone actually enjoy working with a CVS System. Really, what
> is the point?
> --
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> Posted with NewsLeecher v3.7 Final
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I have work with a few of them and as of late I am personally using
Subversion. Also using Subeclipse for the Eclipse interface and
TortoiseSVN for a interface via the windows file explorer.
Rather than write up reasons why I will point you to some information
that should explain it's existence. Apparently you have not worked in a
corporate environment where products of this nature are heavily used. In
those environments it would be easy to justify their use.
Thanks in Advance...
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://weconsultants.phpnet.us
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