Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/05/06 13:52
howachen@gmail.com wrote:
> phpmyforum@googlemail.com 寫道:
>>>>>i don't want the browser to showhttp://www.example.com
>>Yes, just use Rewrite-Rules with "P" flag like this:
>>RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com$1 [P,L]
>>Not perfect, but a solution.
> Hello, this seems to be my solution...
> but will there be any overhead in doing this? i mean the proxy pass?
I see someone else beat me to it - I was going to suggest the same thing :-)
Yes, there's always overhead when you're changing the default behavior.
There is less if you place this in the httpd.conf file than in
..htaccess, but it's still there.
The biggest problem with .htaccess is it needs to be read every time a
file in this directory or any subdirectory is accessed. But for
something this small it will probably be cached by the file system most
of the time anyway, so it wouldn't make a lot of difference.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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