Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/08/06 19:34
GregoryD wrote:
> I'm going to try to simplify this issue as much as possible.
> In my public_html/ directory, I have a login script that sets a cookie to be
> used for authentication purposes. To set the cookie, it has something like
> this:
> <?php
> setcookie('code',$value, time + $lifetime, '/', '.example.com');
> ?>
> This, to my knowledge, is supposed to set a cookie named code with a value
> of $value and an expiration date of time + $lifetime. Additionally, it is
> to be read in public_html and all subdirectories over the entire domain of
> *.example.com
> Yet if I'm trying to get the value of the cookie, as in:
> <?php
> $cookie = $_COOKIE['code'];
> echo $cookie;
> ?>
> in a subdirectory, say public_html/auth/, the result of the second script is
> nothing. If I put that same script in the public_html/ directory, it'll
> print out my $value.
> I'm using php 4.3
> Any thoughts?
> GregoryD
Which browser are you using, and what are the security settings?
Cookies have to be received from the browser before your code can access
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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