Posted by Steve on 10/11/06 17:44
"Kentor" <kentor@gmail.com> wrote in message
| Hello,
| how can I tell search engines when pages have been removed....
| Lets say an apartment has been listed and appears this way in the url:
| www.mysite.com/details.php?post=123 ..... once the apartment has been
| rented and the owner removes his listing this page will appear but will
| say that the postid does not exist anymore... but if there are a few
| apartments that have been removed and search engines crawl all of them
| they will see it as duplicate content which will give me a penalty...
| how should this be taken care of? Would a 301 redirect to the index
| page be the best solution or maybe create a personalized error document
| not found page for my website and tell search engines about it and that
| would have a link to the home page? or... ? :)
ok, you've described what you want to happen...but, you need to see that
milking a cow and milking a bull are *totally* different things! since we
aren't idiots nor in the business of harvesting bovine semen, let's just
milk the cow, shall we? fuck the search engines! they don't want to get
*shit* from you remotely close to what you want to give...they aren't in
business FOR YOU.
anyway, whatever link they provide a user is what the user will use to get
to you. there should be nothing new there. since 'post=123' was originated
by YOU, you should have TOTAL control of what a page displays (or redirects)
ON YOUR SERVER...which is *your* job.
you should be looking up 'post=123' in your db to find out its information
(including status) anyway, right? so just show the damn house and throw a
transparent SOLD image over the page OR...be customer oriented and not only
show it as sold but, beneth it, put two or three other listings of SIMILAR
properties with the caption: "This property has been sold. However, you may
find these interesting and well worth a look."
this assumes that your 'details.php' page truly is dynamic and not static
and tied only to one property - you make it sound like the latter though.
don't go throwing html errors to a browser that a page doesn't exist WHEN IT
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