Posted by Spartanicus on 10/12/06 19:21
Jeremy <jeremy0505@gmail.com> wrote:
>I am using Firefox with the developer tools for validating the
>documents. I can get a clean bill of health on there but then when I
>paste the document into (as an example) the validator here
>http://validator.w3.org/ I get presented with a bunch more issues (such
>as the document not being valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
>That's fine, I have no problems with needing to correct the code, but i
>do wonder about the reliability of these checkers - I would assume that
>the one at w3.org would be the definitive?
>I have also been playing with CSE HTML Validator Lite 3.5, which again
>finds errors/warnings that the Firefox validator misses.
>Is the Firefox validator just "not quite up to it"?
Both CSE and the Firefox "validator" are not validators at all. IIRC the
Firefox "validator" extension uses HTML tidy, a proprietary linter who's
opinion on HTML is just that: an opinion of the people who created it.
Same applies to CSE: it's opinion on HTML is nothing more than an
opinion of it's creator, and that opinion is worth very little.
There are various proper validators, both online and offline. Only these
should be trusted.
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