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Re: ereg statements

Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/13/06 12:17

John Dunlop wrote:
> Koncept:
>>[Cerebral Believer:]
>>>Is this a good ereg statement?
> No. The pattern tries to weed out malformed e-mail addresses but fails
> because it is too restrictive. A regular expression to match all
> well-formed e-mail addresses would be complex, since in addition to the
> productions you would need to include from RFC2822, the pattern would
> involve recursion of a subpattern if it was to allow comments.
>>Try this:
> A prime bogosity indicator on Usenet.

I did see a regex which would handle all possible addresses. Don't
remember where I saw it off hand, but it was around 6500 chars long.

Obviously it's not easy to validate email addresses!

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.



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