Posted by .:[ ikciu ]:. on 10/13/06 17:49
Hmm peter <> wrote:
> just vbecause it is not the way you do it does not make it totally
> wrong. In php there are many ways to achieve the same end result and
> the methosd I posted is an easy way to achieve multiple languages.
ofc, but it doesn't means all are correct (some are simpler then others)
> If it makes no sense how come it is the method for many php
> applications such as phpBB, phpnuke vbulletin (up until v3). These
> are just a few of many,many applications that use this method!
i don't cary what other are using
Ikciu | gg: 718845 | yahoo: ikciu_irsa | www:
2be || !2be $this => mysql_query();
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