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Re: email address obfuscation

Posted by dorayme on 10/13/06 20:30

In article
"John Dunlop" <> wrote:

> If you feel the practical benefits of e-mail address obfuscation
> outweigh the practical downsides - e.g., the impression of
> unprofessionalism, the mangling of the user-interface by
> percent-encoding - and the theoretical downsides, who am I to stand in
> your way.

Well, this is what I would like to know more about. When I do
bad, I prefer not to be low class about it. I want to know what
evil I commit. What mangling are you talking about? I have
attempted a few times to raise the question about how bots work,
on the source code or the expressed page text (visible and
audible etc as normal text to humans). It seems it is mainly the
former. If so, who besides alt.html types will it seem so
unprofessional to?




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