Posted by Daz on 10/17/06 17:48
Henry16@2cuk.co.uk wrote:
> Never seen such a situation !
> Do you have once faced this problem ?
> We use a fsockopen to retrieve a content from a URL [fsockopen ($url,
> 80, $errno, $errstr, 5);]. The content is dispalid corretly on a page
> on one of our servers.
> But on an other server (more-or-less same config.) the content is not
> displaid !! with the error message ::
> Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed:
> Name or service not known in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/..php
> on line 46
> A config. probem of PHP or Linux server ? Never seen that in the past !
> Many thanks for any comment or operating solutions.
> Henry.
Sounds like it's almost certainly a problem with your config. It looks
like your script is looking in the current script instead of online for
your URL. It might be worth running some diagnostics on that server to
check that the DNS is working correctly, and that you can access
websites by their domain name. If you can't, try accessing it by IP
address (which can be obtained by pinking the domain name).
Hope this gives you somewhere to start.
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