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Re: on input form showing error message for duplicate entry.

Posted by Steve on 10/17/06 15:19

".:[ ikciu ]:." <> wrote in message
| Hmm linda <> wrote:
| > Many, many thanks in advance,
| > @mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) or die("Unable to connect with
| > server!");
| > @mysql_select_db($database)or die("Unable to connect database, please
| > try later!");
| >
| > $id=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id']); //This is set to unique
| you no need to escape integer variables - you should to check values
| insert it in db.
| your question is a bit st.... if your table in db has autoincrement you no
| need to wory about it, just insert new data - do not set id manualy !!!

you're a piece of work, retard! this is NOT a stupid question. you just
can't think through the problem fully - which is a limitation of your mental
capacity and flexibility, not the op's. you should ALWAYS validate that the
record being modified first, does NOT exist prior to any insert. this
compensates for the fact that a user can always refresh their screen,
initiating MULTIPLE submits of the SAME data.

you need to find a way to compensate for your lack of mental
facilility...i.e. keeping your trap shut!

fucking troll.



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