Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 10/18/06 03:36
Yogi_Bear_79 wrote:
> The menu wasn't previously on the page, I added it back in.
> Original: http://314rcsspouses.homedns.org/hollywoodoil/test.shtml
> Transitional: http://314rcsspouses.homedns.org/hollywoodoil/index.shtml
> Strict: http://314rcsspouses.homedns.org/hollywoodoil/index1.shtml
> The original page is the one with the menu that cause all the grief. The
> transitional page should be formatted correctly,however the menu doesn't
> work. The Strict page needs some formatting adjustments, and some code
> adjustments to valaidate but the menus work. Well they work as long as they
> fit in the menu div tag.
I get the menu in Strict with SeaMonkey but your dealer links with
images on right are obscured by the middle blank block like it was in
BTS's screenshot...
Take care,
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