Posted by rllqph@gmail.com on 10/18/06 07:36
well, it's a good news for all of the persons subscribed on this group.
by the way, have you developed a php application lately?
On Oct 18, 7:37 am, "Kryz" <kmaciejc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i know it is a really unusual behavior i'd like to demonstrate, but i
> am grateful.
> thanks to some guys (i-c-u-i/pedro graca/hara/Martin
> Lucas-Smith/Michael Fesser) from the group i lost my belief in magic...
> again... and at least!
> just think:
> you have a php script that sometimes runs once, sometimes runs twice.
> sometimes it causes your session variables to vanish, sometimes not.
> when you look at it closer it seems to depend on... the browser you
> use. it's a f***ing magic, you think.
> i lost two days switching from ff to opera and from opera to ie,
> echoing, print_ring and so on, making corrections to the html output
> (it ended up as a crystal tidy xhtml), tracing the apache logs and
> browsing the internet for the solution...
> found it here.
> just spend some time to understand this thread, you'll be a happier
> person with this knowledge :)
> http://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread9135.html
> a fragging style="background-image:url();"
> Thank You Guys Once Again.
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