Posted by Rik on 10/23/06 16:33
Rik wrote:
> <some code>
Well, that might have benifited from a simple test :-).
Errors fixed:
function create_pie_chart_svg_paths($values, $radius = 180, $padding = 20,
$startx = 0, $starty = 0){
$padding = round($padding,0);
$radius = round($radius,0);
if($radius <= 0 || $padding <= 0){
trigger_error('Radius an padding should be higher then zero');
return false;
$center = array('x' => $radius + $padding + $startx, 'y' => $radius +
$padding + $starty);
$start = array ('x' => $padding + $startx,'y' => $center['y']);
$total = array_sum($values);
$value_to_rad = $total / (2 * M_PI);
$return = array();
$sum = 0;
foreach($values as $value){
$path = "M{$center['x']},{$center['y']}
L{$start['x']},{$start['y']} A{$radius},{$radius} 0 ";
$sum += $value;
$rad = $value / $value_to_rad;
$long_arc = ($rad > M_PI )? '1':'0';
$totrad = $sum / $value_to_rad;
$start = array('x' => ($center['x'] - (cos($totrad) * $radius)),
'y' => ($center['y'] - (sin($totrad) * $radius)));
$path .= "{$long_arc},1 {$start['x']},{$start['y']} Z";
$return[] = $path;
return $return;
Rik Wasmus
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