Posted by Gιrard Talbot on 10/26/06 01:31
Spartanicus wrote :
> GΓ©rard Talbot <newsblahgroup@gtalbot.org> wrote:
>>> Then there is also the unbelievable arrogance and patronising attitude
>>> exhibited by the above message.
>> You are over-exaggerating here. Internet Explorer 5.x and IE 6 are prone
>> to spywares, have unpatched security weaknesses and do make computers
>> unsafe. Even US-CERT has said so in broad daylight. An objective,
>> neutral examination of secunia.com website and a wide majority of
>> security columnists will side with me on this.
> I suspect that you are offended when you encounter a message that asks
> you to use IE instead of the browser you normally use on the web.
No I'm not. I just think these people don't know much about browsers.
And frankly, I have not seen a lot of those websites since 2003 or so.
> feel that they are trying to push their preference onto you, yet you are
> doing the exact same thing to others.
No I don't. Go and visit my own website.
You'll even find at least 20 links to download IE 6. It's been like that
for years too.
> You'd splutter something like "but
> *I* have my visitor's best interests at heart, the others are plain
> wrong". Here's a flash: the others would say the same thing about you.
You totally misunderstand what I do on my website. Or you never visited it.
> What is the "best" browser to use is highly debatable depending on your
> point of view, it is only a matter of opinion.
I did not create the US-CERT advisory in June 2004. I have not created
the secunia.com website.
CSS 1 and CSS 2.1 support and compliance can be tested, measured and
quantified: E. Meyer and Ian Hickson have done so and others have too.
There is a wide consensus among experts that IE 6 and IE 7 have poor web
standards support, compliance: no one seriously claims otherwise, even
Chris Wilson and David Massy.
HTML 4.01 support and compliance can be tested, measured and quantified:
R. Lionheart has done that.
Number of flaws, vulnerabilities (with demo, proof-of-concept code),
objective severity, gravity, time to patch, etc.. all of this can be
measured, assessed, quantified.
Publicly disclosed security vulnerability without a patch by browsers
Techies Vote: Anything But IE
Microsoft Employees Rage As Internet Explorer Ship Sinks
Sick of IE 6
Why You Should Dump Internet Explorer
written by a MCSE
It's not just a mere opinion. It's been now 2 days that IE 7 final
release is out and already, 2 security flaws have been confirmed at
secunia.com. I am a bit surprised... but then not *_that much_* surprised.
>>> Aggressively pushing alternatives to IE
>> Read me again. I do say "please consider" in the above text.
> Including "please" when asking someone who walks into a store to
> consider changing the colour of their clothes doesn't make the message
> any less offensive.
If I was to promote Opera 9.1 or Firefox 2, I wouldn't be selling
anything. I don't work for them; I am not a share holder of Opera
either. And a simple message promoting either or both product at the
bottom of a webpage wouldn't be invasive or anything like "agressively
pushing". You over-exaggerate here again: what's so offensive with a
browsehappy button or a "download Opera 9" image??
>>> *YOU* reject IE, so don't use it.
>> Can *YOU* show me where I actually reject IE on my website??
> The issue is your choice of browser, how that is your choice to make,
> and how you should not question the choice made by others,
I don't question the choice of Safari users. I don't question the choice
of Icab users. I don't question the choice of Dillo users. etc. etc. I
don't question the choice of any users using any browser actually.
Again, you can check my very own website.
or target a
> message specifically to people who have made a different choice than you
> informing them that you don't agree with their choice.
Basically I would like to say to IE 6 users this: there are better
browsers than IE 6 available out there and there are better browsers
than IE 7.
>>> Mind your own business about what
>>> others use.
>> I don't understand your agressive response to my post.
> I'm offended by anyone trying to push their opinion on me, or onto
> others.
Why you would feel offended by someone promoting another browser than IE
6 is beyond my comprehension.
All browser manufacturers have promotion banners and promotion buttons.
Even non-browser softwares. Are they all nuts, way out of line???
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