Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/30/06 12:42
mistral wrote:
> "
> I can confirm that this mySql and phpMyAdmin is exceptionally
> uncomfortable things.
> Bad designed, bad documented. Plenty logic errors..
> And what most worse thing, developers *do not know* how to correct an
> issue.
And exactly how is it "badly designed"? And what are the "plenty logic
errors"? And what issues do their developers "not know how to correct"?
I've always found them to be quite good at fixing bugs, for instance.
>>"Not at all if you have MySQL security set up properly and use the
>>correct userid and password."
> Have you tried do this at shared virtual hosting, where you have no
> *any* access to all this "config" files? Why user need to have headashe
> about this senseless configuration settings? You will get headASHE and
> can spend a weeks or even and month to solve this stupis security
> issue. Why MySQL need have more security than FTP programs?( that works
> just fine) Any ftp works wl
Sure I have. Many times. Quite easy to do, as a matter of fact. You
have total access to PhpMyAdmin's config files.
And yes, MySQL has more security than ftp access. Every decent RDB
does. Typically data in a database is much more important than the
contents of files. Files can be easily replaced; databases not so much.
Also, files don't normally contain userid's, passwords, credit card
numbers, and other personal information. Databases do.
> Plenty users can no access it own MySQL database installed even on it
> own computer. Stupid system generate errors #1045 - Access denied. So
> called 'securiy settings issue' is just paranoidal. Why not set access
> to phpmyadmin/mySQL from ANY IPs by default?
They can if they set it up correctly. Maybe they need to read the
instructions. Every such error I've ever seen in the MySQL newsgroups
can be traced back to something documented in the manual.
And BTW, this has nothing to do with phpMyAdmin.
> Have you real ideas how to repair this 'error #1045 - Access denied for
> user' remotely on virtual host? I doubt that you have any idea.
Sure. Set up the security properly. It works great. I've done it for
both local and remote hosts.
But this is not a PHP problem; nor is is a phpMyAdmin problem.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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