Posted by Mateusz Markowski on 11/04/06 09:56
yangsuli@gmail.com napisal(a):
> i want to creat a link
> when somebody click the link
> the php script calls a function,then display itself :)
> i have tried
> <a href=<? funtion(); echo=$_server['php_self'] ?>text</a>
> but it will call the function whether i click the link
> then i tried this (using forms)
> <form action="<?php function(); echo "<script>"; echo
> "window.location.href=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']"; echo '</script>';?>">
> <input type="submit" value="text" /></form>
> but it didnot work either.
> my browser said there were parse errors,T_STRING expected or
> something....:(
> now i am thinking using a flag,say,$functioncall,
> href=$_server[request_url]&functioncall=1
> then if functioncall==1,call that function
> but is it right?
> is there some way simple to do that?
PHP works on a server, not in your browser, so it can't just call
function when you click a link. You have to send a request to the
server which will cause your script to call this function. Your last
example is good way to do it. So you have such link:
and in your file script.php such code:
if ($_GET['call'] == 'helloworld') {
echo 'Hello world!';
Then after clicking the link your browser sends a request, PHP decides
what to do, then server sends you a appropriate response.
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