Posted by Gordon Burditt on 11/12/06 00:48
> I'm having problems attempting to access two databases from the same php
>script. Both databases are on the same server. Basically, I need to open
>db1, then open db2, close db2 and then return to using db1 as the default. I
Don't use a database "as a default". Use it explicitly: pass the
appropriate connection handle to mysql_query().
>thought something along the lines of the following would work but it
>// connect to DB1
>$db1c = mysql_connect (DB1_HOST, DB1_USER, DB1_PASSWORD);
>mysql_select_db (DB1_NAME, $db1c)
>// use DB1
Pass $db1c to mysql_query() here.
>// now connect to DB2
>$db2c = mysql_connect (DB2_HOST, DB2_USER, DB2_PASSWORD);
>mysql_select_db (DB2_NAME, $db2c)
>// use DB2
Pass $db2c to myssql_query() here.
>// now return to using DB1
>mysql_close ($db2c);
>mysql_select_db (DB1_NAME, $db1c);
Why is this mysql_select_db needed here?
>// use DB1
Pass $db1c to mysql_query() here.
>However, what I see is that when returning to use DB1, I get access denied
>warnings suggesting that the system is using the username and password of
>DB2 with DB1.
Try issuing queries like "SELECT user()" and "SELECT database()" to
be sure.
>Also, one thing I have noticed is that the using echo() to render the values
>of $db1c and $db2c to the screen gives the same result which seems odd to
Something's wrong here. Did you do that before or after closing $db1c?
If you were using mysql_pconnect(), and the values for hostname, user,
and password happened to be the same for both (but different databases),
it might use the same connection for both.
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