You are here: Re: SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and PSYCHO-ELECTRONIC WEAPON TORTURES by 100,000 FBI and NSA SECRET SPIES « PHP Programming Language « IT news, forums, messages

Posted by The Davor on 11/17/06 10:43

Fuck off

"MathewAlexander" <> wrote in message
> THOUSANDS of INNOCENT US CITIZENS by a combined 100,000 FBI and NSA
> thousands of innocent american citizens.
> Email this to all your friends and peers and spread the knowledge so all
> americans
> educate themselves about the latest horrifying and disgusting secret
> technologies
> being used by FBI and NSA on hundreds of thousands of innocent american
> citizens.
> It would be great if somebody BLOGS this post and spread the word on
> internet
> for the benefit of all freedom loving americans.
> Majority of these INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS dont even know they are
> VICTIMS and are being used as GUINEA PIGS by these FBI and NSA PERVERTS,
> The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [
> National
> Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
> Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects
> Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department
> of
> Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
> Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
> technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in
> the
> vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
> thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound
> and
> ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
> uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and
> the
> telephone. The pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
> TELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
> N.S.A.
> or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of Defense,
> and
> a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget, and is
> always
> headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S. military.
> The
> top secret technologies available to the U.S. military is usually thirty
> years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
> U.S. civilian economy. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
> the
> level of technological development is within the secret laboratories of
> the
> N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects Agency ]. The
> headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George
> Meade
> in the U.S. state of Maryland.
> Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
> can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
> filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
> these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or
> microwaves.
> These microscopic computer chips can also be made invisible to detection
> by
> means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [ Magnetic
> Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ] scans,
> by some means of electromagnetic degaussing.
> With the latest top secret, and rapid technological advancements available
> to the U.S. military intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic
> computer implants in conducting synthetic telepathy against targeted
> persons is obsolete by now. Rather, a system of subliminal, subconscious,
> wireless microwave remote control is used today against targeted
> individuals suffering from synthetic telepathy harrassment. Synthetic
> Telepathy is used for conducting torture training and/or experimentation
> against people as red herring "good cop/bad cop" or tough love acting,
> diversions, feints, decoys, and smokescreens, as smear campaigns by
> association, as openly secret intimidation campaigns against targeted
> dissidents, and as a means of espionage. Once it was believed
> that claims about C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive
> material in the slums of U.S. cities during the 1950's as part
> of a research program were simply mass conspiracy theories, until the U.S.
> federal government in the 1990's publicly admitted that the allegation was
> true.
> FBI and NSA agents who are part of a secret US society are genetically
> inclined sociopaths and psychopaths who work as hit men, torturers,
> sexual abusers, stalkers, slanderers, and agent provocateurs involved
> in murders and torture of hundreds of thousands of innocent US citizens
> for years and years. At the last count there are 50,000 NSA spies who
> are businessmen, priests, community leaders and in all walks of life
> who are SPYING and keeping tabs on pretty much all americans.
> The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopaths, sadomasochistic
> torturers, slanderers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid
> developing any sympathy for their targeted victims, deliberately avoid
> actually feeling the emotions of their victims by following the squiggly
> or Electroencephalograph lines on computer monitor screens, as well as the
> silent words thought by their victims which also appear on the computer
> monitor screens. Then again, who can feel all of the emotions and thoughts
> which any given person has undergone every second of their entire
> lifetime.
> The emotions and silent words of the victims of synthetic telepathy
> operators can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic
> telepathy torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power
> to
> block or censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not
> want to be broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their
> own
> criminal or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by
> means of subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing
> technology, and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make
> it appear that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are
> communicating by means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store
> emotions
> and silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they can
> rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
> operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are predisposed towards
> sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of
> genetic
> defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their lives
> is
> by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadomasochistic activities and
> fantasies.
> If you do not believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should
> look
> at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
> psychological warfare and mind control which today is declassified:
> I urge the readers to print/save this column as well as the following link
> TORTURE of hundreds of thousands of innocent american citizens
> (guinea pigs and victims) is explained in detail with diagrams and
> technology.
> "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
> Readers are advised to print the document in the link above and study the
> pictures and technology.
> Important things from the above link for americans to educate and protect
> themselves and their loved ones from these secret, non-consensual and
> illegal psychopathic experiments, attacks and tortures by these 100,000
> FBI and NSA secret society psychopaths and spies.
> 1) The NSA has records on all US citizens. The NSA gathers information on
> US citizens with over 50,000 NSA agents and spies (HUMINT).
> 2) NSA personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as
> social workers, priests, church leaders, lawyers and business owners.
> 3) NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of
> individuals in the US by using the NSA's domestic intelligence network and
> cover businesses.
> 4) This network (DOMINT) covers the entire US, involves tens of thousands
> of
> NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously .
> 5) NSA DOMINT has the ability to assassinate US citizens covertly or run
> covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed
> with ill mental health.
> 6) At the present time the NSA has nanotechnology computers that are
> 15 years ahead of present computer technology.
> 7) SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and other psycho-electronic weapon chips can be
> inserted into the victims bodies painlessly without their knowledge in
> a matter of minutes by FBI and NSA spies.
> 8) NSA computer generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all of
> the
> electrical activity in the brain continuously.
> 9) For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in the speech
> center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts.
> 10) NSA operatives can use this covertly to debilitate subjects by
> simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid
> schizophrenia.
> 11) Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map
> out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject's brain and
> show images from the subject's brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives
> see what the surveillance subject's eyes are seeing.
> 12) Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the
> visual
> cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this
> surreptitiously to put images into a surveillance subject's brain while
> they
> are in REM sleep for brain-programming purposes.
> 13) The NSA, Ft Meade has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system
> which
> is used to track subjects and noninvasively monitor audio-visual
> information
> in their brains. This is all done with no physical contact with the
> subject.
> RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence.
> 14) Speech, 3D sound and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory
> cortex
> of the subject's brain (bypassing the ears), and images can be sent into
> the
> visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject's perceptions, moods and motor
> control. RNM can alter a subject's perceptions, moods and motor control.
> 15) The NSA's Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to monitor
> remotely and non-invasively information in the human brain by digitally
> decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt
> electromagnetic
> emissions from the brain.
> 16) Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location, inside any
> building, continuously, anywhere in the country. RNM can electronically
> identify individuals and track them anywhere in the US.
> 17) Tens of thousands of persons in each area working as spotters and
> neighbourhood/business place spies (sometimes unwittingly) following and
> checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control by NSA
> personnel.
> HOW FBI and NSA DISABLES, CRIPPLES and MURDERS its own innocent american
> citizens.
> God only knows how many of the unsolved murders and diseases are actually
> committed and spread by these 100,000 FBI and NSA agents and spies.
> 18) Chemicals and Drugs into Residential Buildings with Hidden NSA
> Installed
> and Maintained Plastic Plumbing lines. The NSA has kits for running lines
> into residential tap water and air ducts of subjects for the delivery of
> drugs (such as sleeping gas or brainwashing-aiding drugs). This is an
> outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology (psychopharmacology).
> 19) Victims experience daily breakins in their homes by FBI and NSA secret
> society spies. Victims of this endless torture has no way to prove the
> breakins and poisoning of food since FBI and NSA spies have technology
> that can easily disable the video surveillance systems, phone lines and
> security alarm systems of the torture victims.
> 20) FBI and NSA spies threaten hundreds of thousands of these innocent
> torture victims in america with accidents, bio-terrorism attacks in the
> form of measles, chicken pox, small pox and other forms of viruses, life
> threatening diseases AIDS, debilitating diseases cystic fibrosis,
> alzheimers etc. FBI and NSA spies post these threatening messages on
> internet only the mind control victims can understand and knew those
> threats were meant for the victims. In some cases, unfortunately these
> torture victims dont even know they are torture victims.
> Frequent breakins and POISONING of FOOD
> Frequent breakins-and-enters at home and at work with clothing,
> furniture, business papers, computer files sabotaged, modified or
> stolen
> Frequent breakins and movement of items from their original places,
> lights, tv and other electronic appliances turned on or off
> Controlled dreams
> Forced waking visions some sync'ed with body motion
> Microwave hearing
> Transparent Eyelids
> Artificial Tinnitus
> Forced movement of Jaw and clacking of teeth
> Forced precision manipulation of hands
> Forced memory blanking and induced erroneous actions
> Induced changes to hearing - both apparent direction and volume and
> sometimes even content
> Suddent violent itching inside eyelids
> Forced manipulation of airways, including externally controlled
> forced speech
> Wildly racing heart without cause
> Remotely induced violent no-rash itching often during delicate or
> messy work
> Forced nudging of arm during delicate or messy work causing spills
> or injury
> Intense general pain or hot needles pushed deep into flesh sensations
> Wild flailing some times followed by short periods of "rigor mortis"
> Sudden over heating, all body pain, sleep prevention
> Forced drop-in-your-tracks sleep inducement
> Irresistible "go here, go there" commands
> Microwave burns, electric shocks
> Impotency caused by secret poisoning of the food by FBI and NSA secret
> spies.
> Usually alone in his/her torture
> Constant mental rape, insults and humiliation
> Has no privacy even for his/her private thoughts
> Cannot plan secretly, hold trade secrets or intellectual property
> Is subject to vicious physical and psychological attacks
> Does not know how harassment is happening or by whom
> Does not know why harassment is happening
> May be accused of mentall illness, called delusional
> Cannot get away, no matter where he/she goes
> Mind raped thought streams
> Bugged conversations
> Gossip, Rumours, Social and Job connections broken
> Microwave voices, clicks, pops, brain zapping, direct harassment
> Death and disease threats via internet messages from undercover FBI and
> NSA spies
> Mind control means influencing the behaviour of an
> individual. And to creating or remolding victims personality towards
> desired
> state. The desired model human for the elite of the world, or, "the
> Illuminati" is: Easily steerable mass-human without personal
> characteristics. A stupefied, dumbed down person. This secures the
> interests
> of the elite of the world. So they can lead our lives through changing
> times
> the way they want.
> Apparently growing out of earlier government mind control research
> programs
> such as MKULTRA, and government suppression-of-dissent programs such as
> COINTELPRO, today's mind control is covert, finely crafted, around the
> clock
> harassment perpetrated against citizens living in their homes and
> communities.
> Destruction of family and other relationships by way of lies, bribes, and
> threats is a goal of the phase of today's mind control. The current day
> mind
> control program has been carefully engineered so that if the target
> complains, their own words will instantly cause them to be labeled as
> mentally ill.
> The mind/body symptoms of current day mind control include: Excruciating
> PAIN(!) Exceptionally frequent blanking of recent memories, and truncation
> of new ideas
> - Impotency caused by secret poisoning of the food by FBI and NSA secret
> spies.
> - Very unnatural inability to sleep, as if large amounts of caffeine have
> been consumed.
> - Sudden forced awakening at precisely the same time in the middle of the
> night, continuing for at least months, and right on a clock time such as 4
> am, zero minutes, zero seconds
> - Sudden clumsiness, which can result in spills, spoilage of precise work,
> or injury - Attacks of extreme fatigue, sometimes almost to the point of
> paralysis, when there is no reason for such attacks
> - Frequent powerful itching without rash, and which may start as a small
> electric shock
> - Artificial "bee stings", especially while trying to get to sleep
> - Wildly racing heart without any cause
> - Sudden overheating, without any cause
> - Frequent flailing of arms and legs as you try to sleep
> - Fake sounds such as alarm clock going off when it shouldn't, telephone
> ringing when there is no incoming call, knocking on the door but no one is
> there
> - Voices, either very insulting, or telling you things that indicate you
> are
> under surveillance
> - Vibration of body parts when trying to sleep
> - High pitched tone in ears, which may change when switching electronic
> equipment on or off In some cases, statements by strangers indicating they
> know what you had for supper In some cases, statements by strangers
> indicating they can read your thoughts
> - Artificial and powerful sexual stimulation
> - Artificial and powerful PREVENTION of sexual stimulation.
> FBI and NSA spies post messages anonymously on usenet to indicate
> to the torture victims how they made the victims impotent. Ignore the
> title
> in the thread and read the subtle threatening text from FBI and NSA SPIES.
> One can imagine how many of the hundreds of thousands of innocent
> americans
> are made impotent by these disgusting, horrifying and sadistic FBI and
> This is THE EXTERIOR of mind control. The non-noticeable mind control is
> more dangerous one. That is the manipulation of our thoughts and emotions
> WITHOUT our notice of things.
> We think we lead our lives. But we do not. We have to wake up to take
> notice
> on the situation. And try to change the course of history.
> FBI and NSA SECRET SOCIETY imposes us the New world order using mind
> control. And we can`t shield ourselves from it. Which makes us as
> puppets on strings.
> "Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN's Special Assignment,
> about 1985, at , by Chuck De
> Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
> and "List of mind control symptoms, in "2005 update:
> The convergence of the cold war history of mind control and
> electromagnetic weapons with new
> post cold war government neuroscience reserch programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
> Director, Mind Justice, 2005, at
> and
> Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
> change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts."
> This
> technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
> video games, for example. See this link:
> . The article was written by Robert
> Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December
> 6,
> 2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the
> electrical
> activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found
> in
> the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
> called "Remote control brain sensor", at
> "4 Elite Airborne commandos Return from a Special Operation in
> Afghanistan and suddenly torture and murder their wives"
> Friday, July 26, 2002 1:33 p.m. EDT FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Reuters) -
> Four U.S. soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg, including three special
> operations servicemen who returned home this year after tours of
> duty in Afghanistan, allegedly killed their wives recently, military
> officials said on Friday. In two of the cases, the soldiers killed
> themselves after shooting their spouses, officials said. In the
> other two, the servicemen have been arrested and are facing charges.
> "There has been a recent series of instances where soldiers have
> either committed murder or murder-suicide against their wives," said
> Maj. Gary Kolb, a spokesman for the Army Special Operations Command.
> I wonder how many of the murders and suicides in America were actually
> remotely manipulated, induced and orchestrated by these FBI and NSA
> secret mind control and mind manipulation experiments.
> STARGATE is one of the many names given to the Army's classified
> clan of remote viewers. This project was hidden deeply within the
> government for close to two decades. The work of Harold Puthoff Ph.D.,
> at SRI international joined with the
> work of others at the Cognitive Science Laboratory
> ( helped to supply the CIA with the framework
> of what was then known as Project GRILLFRAME. By 1978 America's
> first remote viewers were at work. It is rumored the cold war was
> responsible for the government's interest in remote viewing
> because Russia had spies not dissimilar to our remote viewers.
> Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.
> Alex Constantine
> (1995) Another bombshell from the fecund furnace of Feral House Press.
> Constantine, a political researcher in the mold of Mae Brussell, has
> gathered together a well-documented survey. "Bombing minds rather than
> bodies is the warfare of the new millennium... Funded under the
> euphemism of Non-Lethal Technology, the Pentagon has developed the
> ability to transmit voices, and inflict pain, madness, even death,
> with the push of a button. Hard to believe? Believe it! Official
> sources have publicly admitted to the existence of such technology."
> Topics covered: Telemetric mind control, hearing voices, false memory
> hoax, E. Howard Hunt's Death Squads, The GOP's Pink Triangle & the
> CIA, Johnny Carson and the S&L crisis, and let's not forget the
> chapter on NutraSweet as crowd control.
> 221 pages, PB
> $12.95
> The term "mind control" comes from former CIA director Allen Dulles.
> In 1953, Dulles, speaking before a national meeting of Princeton
> alumni, distinguished two fronts in the then-current "battle for men's
> minds": a "first front" of mass indoctrination through censorship and
> propaganda, and a "second front" of individual "brainwashing" and
> "brain changing." Before an audience of fellow Ivy Leaguers, Dulles
> skipped the usual pieties about democracy. The same year, Dulles
> approved the CIA's notorious MKULTRA project, and exempted it from
> normal CIA financial controls.
> A partial list of aggressive promoters of this new technology includes
> Oak Ridge National Lab, Sandia National Laboratories, Science
> Applications International Corporation, MITRE Corporation, Lawrence
> Livermore National Lab, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
> In 1996, the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board published a
> 14-volume study of future developments in weapons called New World
> Vistas. Tucked away on page 89 of an ancillary 15th volume are some
> hair-raising insights into the future 'coupling' of man
> and machine in a section dealing with 'Biological Process
> Control'. The author refers to an 'explosion' of
> knowledge in the field of neuroscience, adding, ominously:
> One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources,
> the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can
> couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent
> voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions),
> produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term
> and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an
> experience set.
> Translating the words 'experience set' from military
> jargon into plain English, this means, simply, that they envisage the
> ability to erase your life's memories and substitute a new,
> fictitious set.
> By projecting such developments into the future, the authors of New
> Vistas are camouflaging present day capabilities. A similar futuristic
> scenario with many references to mind manipulation is described in The
> Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War (US Army War
> College, 1994). Authors Steven Metz and James Kievit declare:
> "Behaviour modification is a key component of peace
> enforcement" and "The advantage of [using] directed energy
> systems is deniability." The authors ask: "Against whom is
> such deniability aimed?" The direct answer is "the
> American people".
> Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds Inc., says this about S-quad
> in a letter dated 13 December, 1996:
> All schematics, however, have been classified by the US Government and
> we are not allowed to reveal the exact details. we make tapes
> and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union
> countries! All with the permission of the US State Department, of
> course. The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm
> (Iraq) quite successfully.
> By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and
> isolate the brain's low-amplitude "emotion signature
> clusters", synthesise them and store them on another computer.
> In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave
> patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion,
> scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave
> pattern and can now duplicate it. "These clusters are then
> placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently
> trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human
> being!"
> Microwaves can also alter the permeability of the body's
> blood-brain barrier,14 which can synergistically increase the effects
> of drugs, as the military is well aware. "Using relatively
> low-level RFR, it may be possible to sensitise large military groups
> to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical agents to
> which the unirradiated population would be immune."15
> Sound can be transmitted even easier through the use of implants -
> cochlear implants, implants that send electrical signals into the
> fluid of the inner ear, or implants that transmit sound vibrations via
> bone conduction, such as the cases of dental fillings picking up
> audible radio signals.
> The stimoceiver, invented by Dr. Jose Delgado, consists of wires
> running from strategic points in the brain to a radio
> receiver/transmitter located entirely under the skin. Through this
> device, Delgado was able to stimulate raw emotions such as arousal,
> anxiety, and aggression with the turn of a knob.
> Of course, secret research by the US Government into microwaves and
> synthetic telepathy has moved on considerably since the end of the
> Cold War ... secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in
> unsuspecting victims: "Headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness,
> menstrual disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness,
> sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of
> concentration."
> Naval Research Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons And Chips: Studies May
> Produce Army of 'Zombies.'
> Future battles could be waged with genetically engineered organisms,
> such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by computer chips
> engineered with living brain cells.... The research, called
> Hippo-campal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips.
> "This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used
> on people to create zombie armies," Lawrence Korb, a senior
> fellow at the Brookings Institution, said.
> See also "National Security Agency" in
> ,
> "Central Security Service" in
> ,
> "ECHELON" in ,
> "Defense Intelligence Agency" in
> ,
> and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
> The following links explain secret MKULTRA and COINTELPRO programs of FBI,
> CIA and NSA agencies.
> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from



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