Posted by cwdjrxyz on 11/18/06 18:50
Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article <1163841450.750293.103980@f16g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
> "cwdjrxyz" <spamtrap2@cwdjr.info> wrote:
> > Powell's huge HTML tome gives:
> > saddlebrown = 8B4513 in hex and 139,69,19 in rgb.
> > rosybrown = BC8F8F in hex and 188,143,143 in rgb.
> Forgive me, but is Powell's book for authors of Microsoft products only?
> A search for "Powell HTML" didn't throw up any hits from Google on their
> front page. That's a bad sign. I didn't go further.
No, Powell's book is general. It is extremely long and shows much old
and new code including that for specific browsers as well as modern W3C
code. It has very extensive reference tables in the back of the book.
Thomas A. Powell, HTML & XHTML, fourth edition, 2003,
McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 932 pp. The information I quoted came from
Appendix E:Color ReferenceColor Names and Numerical Equivalents, pp.
829 - 835. This has been a best selling book in the US and the
well-known publisher has offices in many countries. Powell has been
writing books for years. He has taught in the computer science
department at UCSD which is a good university in California.
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