Posted by Trefor on 11/19/06 17:12
dorayme wrote:
> In article
> <leo-59C2C7.01163718112006@sn-indi.vsrv-sjc.supernews.net>,
> Leonard Blaisdell <leo@greatbasin.com> wrote:
>>In article
>> dorayme <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
>>>It appears! Of course. Mac IE is still good old MS. It is
>>Since I'd never heard of such nonsense, I googled before replying to the
>>OP. If you google for saddlebrown, you will get both #fa8072 *and*
>>#8b4513. I really don't have much to say here anymore. I'm too far out
>>of the fight and weary of the easy pickin's. Although I did one tonight
> Hey Leo, you will cheer up when the weather gets warmer over
> there. Don't give up, mate.
> Being an experienced Mac user, you might appreciate the method I
> used: used the keyword in html/css and opened in Mac IE. Fired up
> the Mac Digital Color Meter that comes with Tiger and ran the
> eyedropper over it and Command Shift C. This copies the color to
> the clipboard. It is very handy generally.
> Side issue for Mac obsessives only: It pastes with the quotes and
> no semicolon, this particular format is a damn nuisance as you
> are then obliged to strip one or both the quotes and add the semi
> depending on the situation. If it is an inline style use and at
> the end of a string of directives, you can leave the end
> quotes!). When I am using it a lot, I get to think I should look
> into a macro or applescript or something to auto do this job.
> Makes me wonder why it pastes in this format in the first place?
> What were they thinking, that you might be using it to quote some
> colour reference someone else made? Even then it it is not quite
> right but getting closer.
> Let me write a little excerpt of a possible play to cheer you up
> Leo:
> Former geeky lover writes in his autobiography:
> In my long life there was but one woman that I truly loved, the
> only one to pierce right through to the inner chambers of my
> heart. I still feel the keen edge of her loveliness. We were set
> to marry. And then I was called to war. I wrote regularly from
> the trenches. Finally, I was wounded and to be sent home. I wrote
> one more time. I talked about how I longed to see her, how tender
> and raw was my anticipation, and about how i longed to see her
> blushing cheeks - except I did not use "blushing". I used
> "#F5D4FC"!
> She made the decision to leave me the moment she read this. I
> ended up hexing myself.
Cute story .... cute. You have a talent there. Trefor
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