Posted by dorayme on 11/21/06 01:38
In article <D5CdndUj3_HZyf_YnZ2dnUVZ_v2dnZ2d@giganews.com>,
Jim Moe <jmm-list.AXSPAMGN@sohnen-moe.com> wrote:
> Gιrard Talbot wrote:
> >> I have never had any trouble making web pages & overcoming a few html
> >> challenges along the way. But I cannot figure out how to center a
> >> sentance or title under a picture. Do I need to use <caption> within
> >> the <table> tag? Thanks.
> >>
> > My recommendation:
> > <p style="text-align: center;"><img src="..." width="..." height="..."
> > alt="..."><br>Your sentence... </p>
> >
> For the caption to center properly the <p> must be given the same width
> as the <img>.
Assuming the OP should not use a table setting:
A paragraph may not be the right way to go if it is not a
paragraph in the first place and just styled to get the text
aligned under the pic. A div could be one way to go, your point
being still good then, width needs setting. Other way to go:
<div style="width: 200px;"><img style="width:
To <p> just the caption would be somewhat overkill, it is hardly
a paragraph anyway.
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