Posted by Steve on 11/27/06 19:36
| > hmmmm...doesn't that mean you won't see anything? ;^)
| Ack... I meant in some parts of the image. "100%" as in "not translucent
| - but completely transparent" in these parts. Sorry.
i'm just giving you a hard time.
| > "He then selects the frame he like to have the artwork in. All various
| > frames are also color images, but with a white canvas."
| >
| > must have been the 7 (or so) times you mentioned 'frames'. ;^)
| Well, I should have understood that that would be misunderstood. I
| didn't mean html frames, but images of frames as in "frames around
| paintings". ;-)
yes, frames did come to use just *slightly* earlier than html
frames...however, that is the context of this ng...html.
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