Posted by Bryan Oakley on 12/01/06 17:48
comp.lang.tcl wrote:
> Bryan Oakley wrote:
>>comp.lang.tcl wrote:
>>>set php {<? print_r("Hello World"); ?>}
>>If you're wanting to exec php and give it the contents of a variable on
>>stdin, try this:
>>puts [exec php << $php]
>>You need to make sure that "php" is a valid command file on your
>>machine, and that its location is in your PATH environment variable.
> Ok this is what I did:
> [TCL]
> set contentsList [exec $valPHPPath << $php]; # $valPHPPath IS THE PATH
> TO "php"
> [/TCL]
In the above, is $php the string you showed earlier or does it contain
something else?
> And here is the error message I now get:
> Status: 404 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.4 Content-type: text/html No input
> file specified. child process exited abnormally while executing "exec
> $valPHPPath << $php" (procedure "XML_GET_ALL_ELEMENT_ATTRS" line 36)
I'm not sure what the problem is, if all you say is true. When I type in
the equivalent, I get back "Hello World":
$ tclsh
% set php {<? print_r("Hello World"); ?>}
<? print_r("Hello World"); ?>
% exec php << $php
Hello World
So... the only conclusion I can draw is that your php command doesn't
work the same way as mine. That, or you're putting something different
in $php. Unfortunately I am not able to exactly duplicate your
environment since you're executing tcl from with a web page served by
some tcl-enabled web server, and I don't have that web server (what web
server is that, BTW?)
The only thing I can suggest at this point is that the problem is no
longer a Tcl problem but rather a php or web server problem.
Is it possible that your php script prints to stderr instead of / in
addition to stdout? If exec detects output on stderr it will throw an
error unless stderr is redirected (this is all documented on the exec
man page)
> I even tried a variant:
> [TCL]
> set contentsList [exec $valPHPPath << '[regsub -all {'} $php {\\'} php;
> set php]']
> [/TCL]
Are you aware that single quotes are not a valid quoting mechanism for
Tcl? Any time you try to use single quotes to quote something in Tcl
you're bound to be disappointed.
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