Posted by Joe Stump on 10/01/99 11:19
It has and, in my case, I found it *much* easier to cache the string
to a temporary template file and parse that. I found a resource for
strings and, well, it didn't work well. What I propose sucks, but it
was the only easy way I found to do what you're asking for.
On Jun 21, 2005, at 11:17 AM, Maximillian Schwanekamp wrote:
> Hello all,
> The application I'm working on occasionally produces email (e.g. new
> user welcome, password reminder, etc). I use Smarty templates for the
> body of the message. I'm wondering if it's possible to use a smarty
> instance to parse a given string (the email subject line) as a
> template,
> without a pre-existing template file and without going to the lengths
> required for setting an alternate template resource. Right now, I
> have
> the subject line in a capture block within the template itself, and
> then
> define I have a public get method to return the $smarty->_tpl_vars
> array
> value from the capture. Is there a better way?
> For clarification, here's a snippet from how I do it presently:
> message.tpl excerpt:
> {strip}
> {capture assign="subject"}
> Here is your {$site_name} login info, {$first_name}
> {/capture}
> {/strip}
> Dear {$first_name}...etc etc
> login.php excerpt:
> /* Template class extends Smarty to autoset template dirs, and has
> method to get the _tpl_vars value */
> $smarty =& new Template;
> $mailer =& new Mailer;
> $smarty->assign('site_name','Example Site');
> $smarty->assign('first_name','Max');
> $mailer->Body = $smarty->fetch('message.tpl');
> $mailer->Subject = $smarty->get_template_var('subject'); // call to
> the
> custom method
> $sent = $mailer->Send();
> I'm feeling like this has got to be a road that has been travelled
> before. Manuel Lemos' MimeMessage class (mentioned in the Smarty
> wiki)
> has an example for using Smarty templates for the message body, but
> not
> the subject line, AFAIK. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> in advance!
> --
> Maximillian Von Schwanekamp
> http://www.neptunewebworks.com/
> --
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