Posted by Christoph Burschka on 12/06/06 08:29
Kentor schrieb:
> Hello, I know how to use rewrite on my main domain page but when it
> comes to sub-domains it just doesn't work. I'm trying to have the url:
> http://montreal.mysite.com show the page that is shown by
> www.mysite.com/searchForm.php?location=Montreal and another
> subdomain like http://www.toronto.mysite.com show the page for
> www.mysite.com/searchForm.php?location=Toronto
> thanks for your help.
mod_rewrite doesn't work across sub-domains, as far as I know - at least
not unless you use the [R] flag which redirects the user to the URL you
But that means the user will actually receive a redirect response and
will see the new URL in their address bar - if you are using mod_rewrite
for clean URLs, this probably isn't what you want.
Here's an idea: I assume you have a wild-card DNS entry for
*.mysite.com, so all these subdomains point to the same folder? If so,
does www.mysite.com also point to this folder?
If so, this might work. First, put this rewrite in your .htaccess:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} (.+)\.mysite.com # checks for sub-domain
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !='www.mysite.com' # www doesn't count
RewriteRule ^/.*$ /searchForm.php [L,QSA]
This will rewrite all requests for *.mysite.com to the searchForm.php
page (preserving query strings, so if you have any additional parameters
these will be transferred as well).
Then, add this to the beginning of searchForm.php :
if (preg_match('/^(.*)\.mysite.com$/',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$match) {
if ($match[1]!='www') $_GET['location']=$match[1];
This will check whether the page was called with *.mysite.com and, if it
was, move the subdomain over to the location parameter.
The search form will then work as if it had been called with
Note that this will only work if the subdomains are all served from the
same folder on the server; that is, if it would also be possible to
visit this URL:
If it doesn't, you need to change that - or at least copy the search
form over to the other folder.
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