Posted by Umberto Salsi on 12/08/06 22:53
"Laangen_LU" <patrick.huss@gmail.com> wrote:
> my first post to this group, so if I'm on the wrong group, my
> apologies.
> I'm trying to send out an email in Chinese lanuage using the mail()
> function in PHP.
> Subject and mailbody are stored as Unicode entities (eg. 註)
> The mail body renders perfectly in all tested emailclients if the mail
> is sent as html.
> Only the subject displays the entities but does not render the Chinese
> chars.
> Any ideas on how to get the mail sent with the subject displaying
> correctly?
> Thank you in advance for any clue available on this topic.
The "Subject" field can be encoded as MIME header (see RFC 2045-2048).
For example, given the subject $subj encoded as a UTF-8 string,
a possible encoding might be
define("ENCODING", "UTF-8");
$header = "Subject: =?" . ENCODING . "?B?" . base64_encode($subj) . "?=\r\n";
Note that the RFC 2047 sets a limit to the maximum lenght of the resulting
string. Beyond that limit the string must be splitted somewere. However,
the email clients I tested are able to accept a string of any length,
so this is a problem you may ignore as a first step of the implementation.
And note that this encoding has nothing to do with the Content-Type
field or the body of the message.
Obviously, your "Unicode entities" must be converted to regular UTF-8
characters before the Base64 encoding be applied.
/_|_\ Umberto Salsi
\/_\/ www.icosaedro.it
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