Posted by no on 12/11/06 21:37
On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:17:07 -0500, bill <nobody@spamcop.net> wrote:
>no@emails.thx wrote:
>> On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 07:00:58 -0500, bill <nobody@spamcop.net> wrote:
>>> relative PHP newbie, not new to computing or web design
>>> Login page -> get data page (bringing user name and password in
>>> form variables).
>>> get data page -> display data page (bringing user name and
>>> password in hidden form variables).
>>> display data page -> approval page (bringing user name and
>>> password in hidden form variables. Also bringing disposition in
>>> a form variable.)
>>> the problem is: from the approval page I want to redirect to the
>>> get data page, but need to bring along the user name and password
>>> so it does not get redirected back to the login page.
>>> Is this were I would profitably use session variables ? I have
>>> not explored that solution. Is there a better and/or easier one
>>> other than bringing the user name and password in the URL ?
>> Hi Bill
>> Sessions are your best bet. Also, after approving the user's login and
>> password it would be better just to store a flag in the session - or
>> better-still the user's ID number from their record in the database.
>> Then you just have to check if the session variable exists and it
>> should imply that the user has logged in and is approved. :o)
>> Each PHP page should start with session_start() and then just refer to
>> the variable like $_SESSION['userid']
>> Hope that helps
>> Chris R.
>It does, thank you very much, great advice - next question is how
>do I access the record number in mySQL ?
Well, when you create the rows make sure the first field in your user
schema is an integer with the autoincrement property set (and might as
well make it the primary key too). Then MySQL will generate a unique
number per row, which you will use to reference the row - that'll be
the userid. You will read the rows into an associative array etc etc.
Is that what you mean? :o)
Chris R.
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