Posted by John Bokma on 12/31/06 03:41
www@probertencyclopaedia.com (Matt Probert) wrote:
> On 30 Dec 2006 16:15:29 GMT, John Bokma <john@castleamber.com> wrote:
> I'd say people can find what they are looking for. I certainly hope
> so. I'm not interested in tricking search engine users into accessing
> a page about the Lake District when they are really looking for
> pornographic up-skirt shots.
Ah, but then you misunderstand SEO. Good SEO means getting more visitors
looking for Lake District to *your* Lake District page because you
consider it better compared to the competition.
Of course there are people who do what you describe, but because some
people make an "encyclopedia" with Front Page and using information they
recall from 3rd grade doesn't mean your work is at that level now does it?
BTW, I estimated your unique visitors at around 20k. With 52,000+ pages
you certainly should have more visitors (at least between 100 and 200k)
wether it's 20k or 40k for that matter.
Moreover, according to Google you have 165,000 pages indexed... If that's
roughly 3x those 52k pages you are doing something wrong that makes you
get lower in Google.
Finally, I recall you live from the money you make with the encyclopedia.
And I also get a strong impression that you think your information is
good. So why not make it easier to find in Google and make more people
happy? That's what SEO is about in my book, believing in your work, and
trying to make it visible to others.
(15k uniques daily with just 1320 indexed pages and still growing ;-) )
John Need help with SEO? Get started with a SEO report of your site:
--> http://johnbokma.com/websitedesign/seo-expert-help.html
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