Posted by MalcolmP on 12/31/06 16:31
Apologies if this is off topic for this group,
I am sure you knowlegeable people will either know the answer or point me
to the right group ! Thanks :-
I have locally on my HDrive a draft website, all handcrafted in fairly
simple HTML in notepad (I'm still learning !) and all contained in a
hierarchy under a 'master' folder which contains the index page (ie. all
locally referenced)
Is there a method/program that I can use to check that all the linked pages
and pictures exist in the right folders/subfolders and etc ?
ie. a local spider I suppose.
I have Googled for link checkers but they all seem to be for checking the
website when it is 'live' on the internet, not locally on one's own HDrive.
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