Posted by teddysnips on 01/02/07 17:19
A few weeks ago a client asked me to add a column to a table so I
created this script:
ALTER TABLE dbo.tblIndividual ADD fldRenewalStatus BIT NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT fldRenewalStatus_Default DEFAULT 0
Now they want to change it from a BIT to an INT, to store an enum.
Fair enough. However, no matter how much I wrangle with a script, I
can't find a reliable way to alter the column. I've mixed and matched
the following and nothing seems to work:
EXEC sp_unbindefault 'tblIndividual.fldRenewalStatus'
DROP DEFAULT DF_tblIndividual_fldRenewalStatus
ALTER TABLE tblIndividual
DROP CONSTRAINT fldRenewalStatus_Default
ALTER TABLE tblIndividual
DROP COLUMN fldRenewalStatus
ALTER TABLE tblIndividual
ADD fldRenewalStatus int NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT fldRenewalStatus_Default DEFAULT 0
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