Posted by william.clarke on 01/02/07 22:16
Krustov wrote:
> <comp.lang.php>
> <raj>
> <Mon, 1 Jan 2007 16:43:16 +0000>
> <0001HW.C1BEEAA4001125FAB019F94F@news.zen.co.uk>
> > I'm a newbie needing help to fix imported text in a textarea i.e so that the
> > imported text in the text area cannot be changed in the webbrowser. Here's
> > the code snippet:
> >
> > <p><textarea name="textarea2" cols="70" rows="7" wrap="virtual"><?php
> > include("contracts/termsandconditions.txt"); ?></textarea></p>
> >
> <textarea name="textarea2" disabled cols="70" rows="7">
> Will grey the text .
> <textarea name="textarea2" readonly cols="70" rows="7">
> Will display the text as normal .
> --
> www.phptakeaway.co.uk
> (work in progress)
Why put it in a text area if it isn't edittable? You could just display
the text in an iframe on a page if you want the scroll bar look,
otherwise surely a bordered div would give the same effect, without
having to worry about users editing things? You probably have a good
reason for doing things this way, but I generally only display form
controls if a user can actually interact with them.
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