Posted by Paul Furman on 01/04/07 18:33
I've had this web site up for years and I don't know maybe a couple
years ago i added a more advanced php driven system under
many of the images are annotated or at least the title gives an
indication of the location and date. I just did a test and was able to
find a keyword under the new /1 section but google images doesn't see it
at all. The problem I think is the galleries are set up as subfolders
and the php files format the gallery so I've got all these indexless
folders which are basically garbage for a web browser:
What should look like this:
Is indexed like this:
On my other baynatives site I added a line in the longest irrelevant
page to prevent indexing that like such:
<meta name='googlebot' content='noarchive, noindex'>
and that works like a charm but the site as far as I know
does not directly point to these nested content folder except in the php
address [?SC=go.php&DIR=]
I'm not opposed to people viewing raw directories, sometimes that's
useful to point to an image or file without all the formatting but I
don't want them indexed in search engines.
Any Advice?
Paul Furman
Bay Natives Nursery
(415) 722-6037
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