Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 01/04/07 21:38
Scripsit thedarkman:
> Thank you for the answers - they were no help at all.
Probably because you didn't understand them. Maybe that's the reason you
don't quote or paraphrase any of the previous discussion to give context.
> Below the asterisk line is the code from one of my site files; it is a
> very simple file;
It isn't. And you should post a URL, not fragments of code.
> <p><a href="ram_2nd_appeal_22.html">To Twenty-Second Page Of
> Judgment</a>
> there is a paragraph break and then a link;
The paragraph break (actually, start tag of a paragraph) is irrelevant.
> Now what I would like to do instead of going
> to page 22 is to play a video file;
To play? Links are relations. They're data. Data does not do things, except
in Star Trek.
The way to link to a video file is just the same as linking to an HTML file.
For example,
<a href="foo.wmv">Foo Bar Video</a> (WMV format)
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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