Posted by Bergamot on 01/04/07 23:53
admin@daytonalink.com wrote:
> On Jan 4, 3:31 pm, Bergamot <berga...@visi.com> wrote:
>> <table class="calendar">
>> table.calendar td { height: 5em; }
> The em heights give the rows the same height but I need the calendar to
> be flexible to fit the height of the user's browser.
You have also determined that there is sufficient height to hold the
actual cell contents? Pity the user that has a small viewport. :(
> I already have
> javascript in place that determines the browser height and sets the
> table's accordingly.
If you already set the table height, the math to set td height should be
a no-brainer. If you don't know how many rows there are, then any guess
is as good (or bad) as another.
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