Posted by cabrenner on 01/05/07 15:58
I am new to SQL Server, and migrating part of an Access application to
SSE. I am trying to insert a comma delimited file into SSE 2005. I am
able to run a BULK INSERT statement on a simple file, specifying the
field (,) and row (\n) terminators. I can also do the same with a
format file.
Here is the problem. My csv file has 185 columns, with a mixture of
datatypes. Sometimes, a text field will contain the field delimiter as
part of the string. In this case (and only in this case) there will be
double quotes around the string to indicate that the comma is part of
the field, and not a delimiter.
Is there any way to indicate that there is a text delimiter that is
only present some of the time?
If not, any suggestions on getting the data into SSE?
Many thanks for your input.
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