Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/06/07 16:25
Michael Austin wrote:
> Geoff Berrow wrote:
>> Message-ID: <1168063261.502489.160810@v33g2000cwv.googlegroups.com> from
>> eholz1 contained the following:
>>> I am using some php code to check the size of images, and then
>>> resize or determine new dimension for the image. GD seems quite slow.
>>> It takes about 5 seconds (plus or minus) to calulate dimension for 7
>>> jpeg images.
>> You don't need GD to get image sizes
>> http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.getimagesize.php
> if you are doing thumbnails you need neither.
> <a href='<?php echo $path ?>'>
> <img src='<?php echo $imagelist[$i] ?>' width='50' height='50'
> class='thumb'>
> I found this in a php script called imagebrowser.php (a google search
> should locate it...)
And this is exactly what yous should NOT do. It causes the entire
(large) image to load, then be resized by the browser.
It is much better to create thumbnails and send an image of the
appropriate size. Depending on the original image size, the size
difference is enormous. For instance, if the original image size is
500x500, your thumbnail may be as much as 99% smaller than the original.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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