Posted by Alex on 01/10/07 16:29
In 2 web hostings (hostinggratisargentina.com and
granjadeservidores.com), both using PHP 4.3 ( .9 and .10 respectively),
I get the strangest error:
Apparently, after using too much space in local variables, php just
uses the same memory space for the variables, assignment stops working,
and, well, everything fails.
function renderEcho() {
if ($x[0]!=22) {echo 'DIFFERENT!'; debug_zval_dump($x);} else
foreach (array_keys($this->childNodes) as $k) {
Here's some output:
DIFFERENT!string(5) "2alue" refcount(3) DIFFERENT!string(5) "2alue"
Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in .../XMLNode.class.php
on line 100 (the assignment)
DIFFERENT!NULL refcount(1)
As you can see, sometimes it has a string, (which I think it should be
"value"), later it has NULL, and it never has an array.
I removed some temporary variables in someplaces and I got my script to
go further, but it still fails.
This problem does not exist in my ubuntu edgy PC (PHP 4.4.2-1.1). Any
ideas how to solve this?
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