Posted by Troy Piggins on 01/15/07 02:09
I'd like to provide the ability for visitors to leave a comment
on my site. I've been burned in the past with a blosxom[1]
blogger that got spammed so I took it off my site.
I'm not talking about providing a web based forum or email
front-end, just a link to a comment form for blog entries or
photos etc. I'll be hand coding it.
I could establish a "members only" type approach and if visitors
wanted to leave a message they would have to be registered or
something. Wasn't sure if there were any other, simpler,
approaches or tricks.
What are the latest/current solutions or philosophies for
deterring spam hitting my comments?
[1] http://www.blosxom.com/
Troy Piggins ,-O (o- O All your sigs are belong to us.
http://piggo.com/~troy O ) //\ O
RLU#415538 `-O V_/_ OOO
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