Posted by Colin McKinnon on 01/15/07 22:55
Marc E wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response Jerry.
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:YJ-dnUVjBbD_WjfYnZ2dnUVZ_sOknZ2d@comcast.com...
>> Marc E wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I'm coming from java and coldfusion, where one can set a "global"
>>> variable in one place (the servletcontext in java, Application.cfm in
>>> coldfusion) and all files in that site can then take advantage of these
>>> variables without the need to "include" a variables page in every page
>>> on the site.
>>> Is there something comparable in php, like an Application.php or some
>>> such thing?
>> Not really. But why would you need it? In several years of PHP
>> programming I never have - but then in general globals are not a good
>> thing, anyway, IMHO.
> Why need it? For the same reason that java servlets have Filters...because
> it's a heck of a lot easier to be able to route all requests through
> interceptors that handle specific functionality. For example,
> authentication handling. i'd rather have an AuthFilter (or comparable
> functionality in a coldfusion Application.cfm file) through which every
> request runs that contains all the logic for ensuring a user is logged in
> and, if not, routed to the appropriate page. Seems to me that if I want
> this type of functionality in PHP, I have to have an include at the top of
> each page. For this rinky dink site i'm doing this quick work for, it's
> not a big deal..... just annoying and time wasting IMHO.
That doesn't really answer Jerry's question in the context of PHP.
BTW assuming you mean globals applying to the whole website (or application
if you prefer) you can use autoprepend to reference the file instead of
explicitly including it - but you loose a lot of transparency and
BUT YOU ARE NOW WRITING IN PHP. Don't load code you don't need. If you use
the autoloader PHP will find the files and load them.
>>> One more question that's basically an extension of the first. in
>>> development, my site is http://localhost/mysite, but in the hosting
>>> environment, it's http://mysite
>> Check out $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] will always point to the root
>> directory of your site. From there on you can use a path relative to
>> your document root directory - if you use the above format.
> that one didn't work for me. my normal doc root for all coldfusion
> development is in my cfusionmx\wwwroot directory, and that's the site
> that's configured as the base in IIS. but for this php stuff, i've got
> everything in inetpub\wwwroot, and have virtual directories set up for it.
> but Document_Root is returning the cfusionmx\wwwroot directory. good
> thought though!
You seem to be digging yourself a hole here.
The right solution is to understand how the include_path works and set it up
for your requirements.
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