Posted by JM on 01/15/07 19:23
Koncept wrote:
> In article <Haadnd6dl8LDhjTYRVnyigA@scarlet.biz>, JM <reply@group.svp>
> wrote:
>> Before storing information from a form in database I perform follwing
>> operations on it :
>> $path =
>> mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(trim(urldecode($_POST['path']))));
>> $summary =
>> mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(trim(urldecode($_POST['summary']))))
>> When I look in database I see '\r\n' in the text for the summary
>> wherever I pressed return-key.
>> When i retrieve the information from database and display it on webpage
>> '\r\n' is displayed even when I use
>> nl2br or
>> str_replace("\r\n", "<br/>", $content) or
>> str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br>", $text) or
>> preg_replace("/\r\n|\n|\r/", "<br>", $text)
>> the '\r\n' is replaced with a <br>.
>> How is the possible ? The functions work when I let them handle a string
>> like "A little bit of\r\ntext".
>> A folder is stored as 'H:\\\\My Pictures\\\\Anemone.jpg' in the
>> database. When I want to display the folder I use the function
>> stripslashes first but then I still get 'H:\\My Pictures\\Anemone.jpg'.
>> Why should I apply stripslashes twice ?
>> Hope you can help me,
>> JM!
> <snip>
> magic_quotes_runtime boolean
> If magic_quotes_runtime is enabled, most functions that return data
> from any sort of external source including databases and text files
> will have quotes escaped with a backslash.
> </snip>
> See get_magic_quotes_gpc() in the docs.
> You can easily add code to account for this possibility:
> get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $str = strip_tags( $str );
> I'm also willing to bet that your line breaks are currently double
> escaped e.g. "\\r\\n".
If I take get_magic_quotes_gpc() into consideration it now works fine
except for line feeds and carriage returns.
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$sq = stripslashes($_POST['Summary']));
} else {
$sq = $_POST['ShortDesc'];
$Summary = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(trim(urldecode($sq))));
This code works for quotes en uri's. But whatever combinations I've
tried including using nl2br on storing and/or retrieving. It doesn't
work for line feeds and carriage returns.
Either \r\n is displayed on webpage or rn.
How to correctly store and retrieve input from a textarea (with LF and
CR) in MySQL ?
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