Posted by Antoine Merieux on 01/17/07 21:52
I'm trying to use associative array in another associative array
to feed it's ok
to retrieve, something's wrong
can you help me
thank you
$tabItems = array(49, 59, 69, 79);
$tabExercice = array(
'1' => $tabItems,
'45' => $tabItems);
$tab = array(
'487' => $tabExercice,
'45' => $tabExercice,
'23' => $tabExercice);
$_SESSION['caddy'] = $tab;
// Let see what is it
foreach ($tab as $k => $v) {
// the key is id_focus
echo "Liste des exercices pour le focus".$k;
foreach ($k as $k2 => $v2) {
// the key is id_exo
echo "<br>id_exo =".$k2;
echo "<br>liste des items";
for ($i=0; $i < count($v2); $i++)
echo $v2[$i]." ";
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