Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 01/29/07 01:59
Blinky the Shark wrote:
> Rik wrote:
>> Beauregard T. Shagnasty <a.nony.mous@example.invalid> wrote:
>>> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>>>> What the heck? I'm not getting any images rendered.
>>>> I'm getting ready to move blinkynet to a new host. I'm testing the
>>>> new location. I figured if anything, scripting would be the issue,
>>>> but PHP's working fine with just a config.php tweak for the new
>>>> location.
>>>> Here's the address (I'm not live yet, thank God). :)
>>>> http://server19.01domain.net/~blinky/indexdowntowntest.html
>>>> No images. As I look at page source, img src is correct.
>>> It appears to me that .jpg files are being served as "text/html"
>>> Obviously a configuration issue on the server.
>> Hmmz, atm I get a simple 404 for
>> http://server19.01domain.net/images/dinner.jpg. And offcourse a 404
>> message is usually text/html.
>> All paths are from the root I see ('/etc...'). Blinky just forgot he's
>> now in /~blinky/. To make it work by this url you should prepend all
>> paths with /~blinky....
> Dosn't work.
> I screwed around with this much of the afternoon, so I don't know what
> attempt you may have seen. :)
> Here. This page is in public_html, as is the test index page that's not
> displaying images.
> http://server19.01domain.net/~blinky/imagetest.html
> Starting with the images subdirectory, I added the higher directories
> one at a time, testing between each addition. Obviously, I ran out of
> things to add. *None* of those paths - full or not full - display the
> image.
width="337" height="206" alt="Shark Photo" />
### Borked
<img src="http://server19.01domain.net/home/~blinky/images/dinner.jpg"
width="337" height="206" alt="Shark Photo" /> <!--tried this in case
the public_html is assumed, since at least one person's suggestion
omitted it between ~blinky and images -->
### Borked
<img src="http://server19.01domain.net/~blinky/images/dinner.jpg"
width="337" height="206" alt="Shark Photo" /> <!-- johnathan's first
suggestion -->
### Works, then image disappears?
<img src="images/dinner.jpg" alt="Shark Photo" height="206" width="337">
<!-- johnathan'second suggestion -->
### Works, then image disappears?
<img src="./images/dinner.jpg" alt="Shark Photo" height="206"
width="337"> <!-- johnthan's third suggestion -->
### Works, then image disappears?
The three paths that I (BTW only 1 'h') suggested it the correct path
but something is strange about the image. Seems to go blank (no broken,
just blank) after a minute. If you right-click and view image it should
not problem. Something fishy!
Take care,
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