Posted by www.gerardvignes.com on 01/29/07 14:49
Have you run into a situation where you had to switch from PHP 4.x.x
to Perl 5.x.x in order to get better performance?
I am using an OO approach to PHP for my website's server code. There
is one tiny script, with dozens of small objects. Each object is in a
separate source file.
It is a bit slow, even when the code doesn't do much DiskIO or MySQL.
My webhost (NetSol) uses PHP 4.4 running on Apache 1.3 and Linux.
I have to option to use Perl 5.8.7. That is the only alternative they
give me at this time.
Without doing the rewite, I am trying to determine if I can expect any
real improvement in performance.
Have you seen or do you know of such a scenario where you get better
performance from Perl than from PHP?
Gerard Vignes
Seattle, WA
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