Posted by MJ on 01/30/07 21:07
Kindly lemme know if any1 has any ideas on wht cud be wrong :(
MJ wrote:
> I use the following code to send mails using php usinf PEAR package.
> When I run this code from command line using the command "php
> automaticMail.php" the code works fine.
> But when i run this script from browser it give the error :
> Starting..... Error sending mail: (unable to connect to smtp server
> End of Program
> I am not figure out how this could happen ??? Sam code runs from
> command line sending mails correctly but not through the apache
> server.
> <?php
> require('Mail.php');
> require_once 'PEAR.php';
> echo "Starting.....";
> $smtp_server="HOST";
> $smtp_port="25";
> $headers["From"] = "$from";
> $headers["Reply-To"] = "$replyto";
> $headers["To"] = $recipients;
> $headers["Subject"] = "$sub";
> $msg = "test";
> $params["host"] = $smtp_server;
> $params["port"] = $smtp_port;
> if (PEAR::isError($mail_object = Mail::factory('SMTP', $params)))
> {
> echo "Failed to create PEAR::Mail object\n";
> die();
> }
> if (PEAR::isError($send = $mail_object->send($recipients, $headers,
> $msg)))
> {
> echo "Error sending mail: (". $send->getMessage() .")";
> }
> else
> {
> echo "Mail sent ". count($recipients) ." recipients.";
> }
> echo 'End of Program';
> ?>
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