Posted by Plamen Ratchev on 01/31/07 06:42
I am still confused about the logic and the purpose of this, but since it
seems to follow the same pattern (when equal then 2 else 1), here it is (you
just keep repeating the same for the other "nameval" columns):
update test
set nameval = (case when nametype1 = nametype2 then 2 else 1 end),
nameval1 = (case when nametype1 = nametype3 then 2 else 1 end),
nameval2 = (case when nametype1 = nametype4 then 2 else 1 end)
Also, you can create those "nameval" columns as computed columns and then
you do not have to run the update statements. Something like this:
create table test(
name varchar (20),
address varchar (20),
position varchar (20),
nametype1 varchar (20),
nametype2 varchar (20),
nametype3 varchar(20),
nametype4 varchar(20),
nameval as (case when nametype1 = nametype2 then 2 else 1 end),
nameval1 as (case when nametype1 = nametype3 then 2 else 1 end),
nameval2 as (case when nametype1 = nametype4 then 2 else 1 end))
insert into test (nametype1, nametype2, nametype3, nametype4) values ('AA',
'AA', 'AB', 'BA')
select * from test
drop table test
Perhaps the table should be normalized too, but since no requirements are
given I do not want to guess...
Plamen Ratchev
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