Posted by Curtis on 02/01/07 04:15
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 16:45:35 -0800, Ike <rxv@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have a username/sid pair for typical authentication. That is, for =
> someone
> signing in under a given username, a sid is created, saved in both a =
> cookie
> and the db on the server. This I am doing as follows:
> $timer =3D md5(time());
> $sid =3D $UserID . "+" . $timer. "+" . $country;
> SetCookie("ggcookie", $sid, time() + 86400 * 10000); //Set Coo=
> for 10000 days
> $query =3D "update associates set sid=3D\"$timer\" where
> username=3D\"$UserID\"";
> Thus, when another page is called, I immediately retrieve the value of=
> the
> cookie as follows:
> if (!(isset($ggcookie))) {
> echo "cookie not set in browser.";
> exit;
> }
> $sidarray =3D explode("+", "$ggcookie");
> However, for one particular user I have, upon upgrading to MSIE 7, thi=
s =
> no
> longer works as whenever he calls up a new page, he gets "cookie not s=
et =
> in
> browser". In looking at his security settings his Zone is "Internet," =
> set to
> "Medium High" and his privacy policy is set to "Medium" (see below). I=
> have
> duplicated these settings on my machine and am able to get and parse t=
> cookie without any problem. I am wondering what may have changes with =
> 7, or something I am missing, that is throwing this entire procedure f=
> this particular user? Any ideas are greatly appreciated. -Ike
> "Medium" privacy settings call for
> -blocks third party cookies that do not have a privacy policy
> -blocks third party cookies that save information that can be used to
> contact you without your explicit consent
> -restricts first-party cookies that save information that can be used =
> contact you without your explicit consent
> (note, these are the same settings as on my machine which is working =
> fine)
Why is it that you kill the script if the cookie isn't set? You shouldn'=
t =
require cookies to be set in order for people to use your site.
-- =
Curtis, http://dyersweb.com
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