Posted by cwdjrxyz on 02/01/07 17:45
On Feb 1, 6:40 am, "fuli open" <fulio...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I started to run the CSS validator on my files, and correct mistakes
> until getting the message of 'Congratulations'. But for one file I
> got the following message:
> quote
> W3C CSS Validator Results forhttp://www.pinyinology.com/wheel/
> fortune.html
> No error or warning found
> No style sheet found
> unquote
> the URL is:http://www.pinyinology.com/wheel/fortune.html
> It is possible that there is not error or warning. But there is a
> very long style sheet. I wonder whether the validator itself made a
> mistake. It found my file, but didn't do anything.
> Help is appreciated.
> fuli open
Your page has 49 validation errors as written in XHTML. However, when
you go to the CSS validator, a line just under the URL form states:
"Note: If you want to validate your CSS style sheet embedded in an
(X)HTML document, you should first check that the (X)HTML you use is
valid." Thus you have two choices. Either you correct all of the
errors in the xhtml page or change the page to another format, such as
html 4.01 strict, and get it to validate fully. Then the CSS validator
should work. If the CSS validator still will not work, you should then
check your CSS for typos, etc. If the CSS validator still will not
work, then the W3C has a feedback link for reporting bugs.
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